Structure of a ‘C’ program

Structure of a ‘C’ program:

Documentation Section
Include Section ( Preprocessor Directives)
Define Section
Global variable Declaration
main( )  [function]
Local variable declaration
Executable Part.

User Defined function  1
User Defined function  2
User Defined function  n

Preprocessor directives contains statements these are included before the execution of main function. All the preprocessor directives starts with ‘#’ symbol.
            Global variables are those variables certain used in any part of the program.
Main function is the function where the actual program execution starts. The word "main" is very important, and must appear once, and only once, in every C program. This is the point where execution is begun when the program is run.
            A local variable is the one that is used only with inn the truncated block.
Executable part contains different types of statements related to Input and Output, arithmetic, logical, data transfer statements.
A user defined function is one that is defined by the user explicitly.

o   Every C program consists of one or more functions. A function is nothing but a group or sequence of C statements that are executed together.
o   Each C program function performs a specific task. The ‘main()’ function is the most important function and must be present in every C program. The execution of a C program begins in the main() function. 
o   Preprocessor directives contains statements these are included before the execution of main function. All the preprocessor directives starts with ‘#’ symbol.
o   Global variables are those variables certain used in any part of the program.
o   Main function is the function where the actual program execution starts. The word "main" is very important, and must appear once, and only once, in every C program. This is the point where execution is begun when the program is run.
o   A local variable is the one that is used only with inn the truncated block.
o   Executable part contains different types of statements related to Input and Output, arithmetic, logical, data transfer statements.
o   A user defined function is one that is defined by the user explicitly.

o   Example:
/*   A program to print welcome message */
       printf(“Hello, world”);
In the program, the information enclosed between ‘/* */’ is called a ‘comment’ and may appear anywhere in a C program. Comments are optional and are used to increase the readability of the program. 
The ‘#include’ in the first line of the program is called a preprocessor directive. A preprocessor is a program that processes the C program before the compiler. All the lines in the C program beginning with a hash (#) sign are processed by the preprocessor. 
‘stdio.h’ refers to a file supplied along with the C compiler. It contains ordinary C statements. These statements give information about many other functions that perform input-output roles. 
Thus, the statement ‘#include<stdio.h>’ effectively inserts the file ‘stdio.h’ into the file hello.c making functions contained in the ‘stdio.h’ file available to the programmer. For example, one of the statements in the file ‘stdio.h’ provides the information that a function printf() exists, and can accept a string (a set of characters enclosed within the double quotes). 
The next statement is the main() function. As we already know, this is the place where the execution of the C program begins. Without this function, our C program cannot execute. 
Next comes the opening brace ‘{’, which indicates the beginning of the function. The closing brace ‘}’ indicates the end of the function. 
The statement printf() enclosed within the braces‘{ }’ informs the compiler to print (on the screen) the message enclosed between the pair of double quotes. In this case, ‘Hello, world’ is printed.
