Development Steps
1) Statement of Problem
a) Working with existing system and using
proper questionnaire, the problem should be explained clearly.
b) What inputs are available, outputs are
required and what is needed for creating workable solution should be understood
a) The method of solutions to solve the
problem can be identified.
b) We also judge that which method gives
best results among different methods of solution.
3) Designing
a) Algorithms and flow charts will be
b) Keep focus on data, architecture, user
interfaces and program components.
4) Implementation
The algorithms and flow charts developed in
the previous steps are converted into actual programs in the high level
languages like C.
4. a)Compilation
Translate the
program into machine code. This process is called as Compilation. Syntactic
errors are found quickly at the time of compiling the program. These errors
occur due to the usage of wrong syntaxes for the statements.
Eg: x=a*y+b
There is a syntax error in this statement, since, each and every
statement in C language ends with a semicolon (;).
The next step is
Program execution. In this phase, we may encounter two types of errors.
Runtime Errors: These errors occur during the execution of the program and terminate the
program abnormally.
Logical Errors: These errors occur due to incorrect usage of the instructions in the
program. These errors are neither detected during compilation or execution nor
cause any stoppage to the program execution but produces incorrect out.